Meet The Housing.Cloud Roommate Finder
Successful roommate matching is key to a positive on-campus housing experience. Every year, students across the country stress about who their roommate will be, whether they'll get along, and whether they'll like where they live.
Housing.Cloud's roommate finder makes the matching process fun, easy, and smooth for everyone involved. The student interface is sleek, modern, and personalized to the student's needs. Things are easy on the admin's side, too, so there's no stress involved in making great matches.
Using the Roommate Finder - Watch Video

Student-Friendly Interface
With Housing.Cloud, students' roommate experience starts with their housing application. Each applicant completes a bio questionnaire that describes their living habits. For example:
Do you wake up/go to bed early or late?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Do you listen to music while you study?
Do you consider yourself messy or neat?
Students decide whether they want to share their bio with potential roommates or only show it to housing administrators. A shared bio lets the student view potential roommates and use filters to find the right person.
Customizable Roommate Selection
Housing.Cloud puts students in the driver's seat, but the school has full control over what they see. Housing administrators choose the questions students answer and which questions are required or optional.
When a student finds someone they want to room with, they can add the person to their roommate group and start talking. No more stressing about sharing photos or adding people to group texts — it's all there in the student's housing portal.
The whole experience looks and feels like a contemporary dating app. It's simple to use, intuitively designed, and comfortable for today's digital native college students.
Code-Free Administrator Controls
Housing.Cloud designed the roommate finder for ease of use by any student housing team. There's no coding necessary and no extensive offsite training to complete. The user-friendly admin portal makes it simple for each school to set its matching rules.
Those rules include what questions are on each student's bio and who gets to choose their roommates, versus having the school choose one for them. Students with the option to select a roommate will see profiles of potential roommates based on the school's matching rules.
For example, if a student indicates a pet allergy, the roommate finder won't show them profiles of students with service dogs. If a school requires first-years to live with other first-years, those incoming students will only see each other.
Schools also get to set the business rules for the roommate selection process. If there's a deadline for roommate selection or a group can only start picking rooms after a certain date, the system automatically implements those controls.
Admins have full control over the entire process. Setting the rules is as simple as creating a SurveyMonkey or Google Doc. The system handles the rest.
Put Your Best Foot Forward With Housing.Cloud
Choosing a roommate is a big deal for students, and Housing.Cloud knows it's a big deal for schools, too. The roommate selection process is many students' first experience with residence life.
Housing.Cloud helps schools make great first impressions, so more students choose to live on campus. Reach out today to see the software in action.